nav.htmlTEXTGoMk0╖=G╖=Güü° The Nav pane
The “Nav.” pane

    This is where you choose if Wapp pro will add features to the Navigation Services open/save dialogs.

What are the Navigation Services ?

    The Navigation Services are the new open/save dialogs introduced with Mac OS 8.0 and that will be standard on Mac OS X. Until now only a few applications have been updated to use the new dialogs.

Click-There-It-Is© feature :

    If you're not familiar with this wonderful shareware from Richard Cardona, here is what it does :

    When you're in an open/save dialog, you often want to go to a specific folder whose window is opened in the Finder. With Click-There-It-Is© (CTII), while in the open/save dialog, click on a window from the Finder that you can see behind the dialog, and the dialog will automatically go to that folder. Magic!

    But unfortunately, this feature is restricted to the old open/save dialogs. By enabling the CTII feature, Wapp pro provides you with the same feature in the Navigation Services dialogs. The only difference is that you have to hold one or more modifier keys (that you can define yourself) while clicking in a Finder window.

Add a menu listing Finder windows :

    With this option checked, when you're in an Navigation Services open/save dialog, a new menu, displayed as a folder icon, will be added to the menu bar. This menu will list all the open windows in the Finder, including the desktop and the tabbed windows.

Add a menu listing the Favorites :

    With this option checked, when you're in an Navigation Services open/save dialog, a new menu, displayed as a “Favorites” folder icon, will be added to the menu bar. This menu will list all the favorites items.

Only show Finder windows in the popup menu :

    With this option checked, when you're in an Navigation Services open/save dialog, activating Wapp pro's popup menu (by one of the ways proposed in the Popup pane) will display only the windows opened in the Finder. If you select a window from that menu, the open/save dialog will go directly to that folder.

Next pane : Exclusions

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